{please read captions in Kristine's voice for all fuzzy little animals. If you've never heard that voice before, then I guess you just haven't hung out at the Senio's enough!}
1.) Hello everybodyz! I is a guinea pig who has a bored owner and a bored big sister. They is stickin me in weird places... like this scary jungle! |
2.) Now I is in a fuzzy boot. I wuv the fuzzy boot |
3.) Clocks are stupid. Pweese let me down! I is gonna fall :'-( |
4.) Now I is readin' the dictionary cuz i is smart! |
5.) Oohhh I hate you guyz! Dis is so cramped my nose is squisheed |
6.) hmmm... |
7.) Now you guyz left me stuck out on a thingy. I ssure hope dose dogs dont eat me! |
8.) Seriously guyz.. not funnny! |
9.) I don't like you meaniesss. I is gonna hide under Leah's hair now until you go away. |
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